2359 Vermont Ave.
PO Box 2383
Bismarck, ND 58502

If you visit us in person. We are located in the South East corner of the Presort Plus Building

Hours of operation:
M-Th 8:30 am - 3:00 pm CDT
Fr 8:30 am - 1:00 pm CDT
Sat & Sun Closed

We are also closed on all major US Holidays.

© Pro Forms

Variable Print

Variable print has come a long way in recent years.

Oops, maybe I should explain what Variable printing is. Or VDP for short.

In a nutshell, VDP allows you to customize individual printed projects.

An example would be if you want a calendar with your clients' name printed on each month, it can be done with VDP.

You would provide us with a list of names and we would then print that variable data on each calendar. So instead of just handing out the same calendar to everyone, each one is personalized with their name.

We can even do the mailing of them for you.

Contact us to see an example and to learn more.